Tag Archives: Denver

Dream of a land my soul is from…

I haven’t blogged in a while, and I really don’t feel like it right now, but I feel like I owe my few followers a few words to prove that I am really alive and kicking. That said, here is a random list of 5 for your Thursday viewing…

1)I am bloody DEPRESSED. I haven’t been depressed in a long time and forgot what it felt like. It sucks. How on earth did I walk around feeling like this all the time for 27 years and not commit any minor crimes? Ugh. I’m also grouchy as hell all of the time lately, which explains the four further items…

2)No no no! What is this? BLASPHEMY, I tell you!

3)I am all for trying new things and covering classic songs in your own way, but Afro-Blue should sound like this;

4)I cannot WAIT to leave Denver. For me, it’s become a place to visit, not to live. Also, I really can’t with the silly people per capita in my current suburb.

5)At least all of my brooding and griping has resulted in some startling grown woman realizations concerning family and God(separately, not together). I’ll be posting my ruminations soon, if I can manage to stay out of jail.

6)Eh, whatever, let’s make it a list of 6.  I have gone on and on on this blog about Junsu Kim and his startling good-looking-ness but apparently, this guy was in the band with him the whole time and I. Never. Noticed.

Life_ani(.gif may not work for some reason…click on it if you don’t see the animation)

Dear Lord, if you’re listening, let me run into one or two dudes with diverse energy like this while I’m in Korea. THAT guy is way out of my league, of course but can one of his fanboys be my mailman or something? Just so I can get hype off of  complementary male energy rather than being the world-expanding hype woman date for a change? Just saying, Lord. A Bane mask as fashion statement is hard to find, and I appear to be going somewhere where it might be possible. Kthanxbai. Amen.

Okay, I find myself marginally less grumpy for having written 6 silly things. Let me go throw myself at the world before it wears off.

Peace, beautiful people!

We’re wandering sheep with wandering morals. To wolves teeth we soon might fall.

There’s an article on the blog The Scicurious Brainthat I find really interesting. The piece is entitled Wholesome Food And Wholesome Morals: Does Seeing Organic Make You Act Like A Jerk?

The piece is about a study that has found that people are actually morally meaner and less altruistic after viewing pictures of organic food, whether or not they think that food is desirable. (From here, the jokes just write themselves.) Now, you can extrapolate all kinds of things about self-righteousness and morality from that, as the original researchers did. You can take it a bit farther forward and to the left, like the author of the linked blog and maintain that it may have to do with atoning for the guilt of junk food. OR, you can do like I’m about to do and wonder if it’s just a case of relative grace like so many other things…

After the jump, my people…
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Talk about! Pop music…pop, pop, pop music…

I just can’t get away from this pop music thing.

These youtube videos, featuring random strangers in big cities being asked what songs they’re listening to, are INCREDIBLY cool to me. My favorites are Singapore:

and my semi-hometown, Denver;

A long, slowly growing list of these videos can be found here.

A few things I noticed:

Big cities are super diverse. DUH, but still…they are. Was not expecting to see so many non-Asian folks in Singapore…or non-Scandinavians  in Stockholm. Hmmm…

Wiz Khalifa and Lady Gaga are, literally, EVERYWHERE. Every single video seems to feature Black and Yellow. That’s kinda unexpected.

English-language pop music blatantly dominates the world market. Even the people who blatantly didn’t speak English were often listening to English language songs. Still, given my recent obsession with kPop, I think it’s telling that 2NE1 popped up a few times too.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Blog title comes from here


Everybody thought I was just another dancer…

50 posts, wow.

So on June 16, 2007, I started this blog. Totally a vanity project, and still is. Originally, it was a myspace blog, just for random observations and such.  Myspace began to get a little juvenile, so I moved over here–coincidentally, just in time for me to make a massive intercontinental move, lose the whole world and gain my soul, and further entertain the handful of folks…mostly from the Denver arts scene and the nappturality.com forums…who were at the time following me around the internet.

Now, I mostly use it as a repository for random thoughts here and there…I literally do nothing to promote or publicize this blog, and never have but hey! we have 10,568 views! Thanks, everybody!

Life has changed a lot for me over the past four years…I’ll probably blog about it at length another time. But, in a nutshell…I’ve opened up a shop here. I’ve started studying here. I make music with Delta Buoy. I don’t do the whole happy Christian dogoodnik act anymore. And I’m just as random as I ever was.

Less meandering after the jump…or more, depending on your point of view…

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